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Transformative Journaling


What is transformative Journaling

and why is it different from regular journaling?

Journaling is an everyday activity, easier than exercise and more transformative than crosswords.

If you’ve been journaling forever, switch up your writing from just griping and complaining to exploring how you can make the situation better or how you can think about your situation differently.  If this is all new, you may benefit from bitching a bit, and working through issues.

The transformative part comes when you start expressing what you want to happen.    This is the key.   There is benefit’s to bitching, there are more benefits to moving your brain and your consciousness to a more positive place.


Thoughts create our reality.

The more you think about the world in one way, the more the world will appear to you in that way.

Everyone knows this, but really give the idea attention and see if you want to change.

Once you’ve written a boatload of material, review some of it.

Do you see patterns or even small sentences that are more revealing that you imagine?  Can you take action on what you wrote?  Do you even want to?

That’s it,  start, change, start again.


Catharine Bramkamp is a successful writing coach and author. She has published over 300 newspaper and magazine articles in publications like Modern Maturity (AARP), SF Chronicle and Santa Rosa Magazine. She was a contributor to two Chicken Soup Books and has published anthologies of her work, non-fiction works and novels. Her work has also appeared in a number of poetry and fiction anthologies. She has experimented with the self-publishing world since 2001. She has published and self-published seven books through companies like Author House, author assist companies like 3L Publishing and through traditional publishers like Write Life. Her poetry collection, Ammonia Sunrise, will be released in August 2011 by Finishing Line Press and her mystery novel, In Good Faith will be released by Write Life in 2011. Catharine holds a BA in English from UCSB and a MA in English from Sonoma State University. She is a 25 year member of California Writer’s Club. She is an adjunct professor for the University of Phoenix. She works with authors of both fiction and non-fiction to make their dream of producing a book come true. For more information on that, visit her at Catharine has lived in Sonoma County for 25 years and considers wine a food group. She is married to an adorable and very patient man who complains he’s never featured in any of her books. Her grown children who are featured in a few of her books have fled the county.

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