
What is your story?



Like a sports or business coach, a writing coach will help you discover your authentic voice and tell your story.  Do you have a book in you?  As your coach I will help you birth your book and get it out into the world.

Welcome, I look forward to hearing your story!

What's New?

Coming in June!

Third book in the Sexy at Sixty Series. 

Sunk Cost, book three sexy at sixty series, cover


All Grown Up – No Adult Supervision
Two years of lock down and no one knows how to behave. But embezzlement, smuggling, bombs  and murder seems a little extreme, even in Northern Ireland. But Vic Gardner is willing to take any risk in order to escape her apartment  As her brief trip to Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way is complicated by both her nephews as well as Nic, her ex-boyfriend, she is confronted with the question: stay with what she knows?  Or throw everything over for something new?  And at what cost?
Pre-sales begin in May –  Book will launch June 28th.
Sign up for the newsletter for more recent information!

Pre-Sales:  Why?

Powells BooksPre-sales can be a powerful tool to sell your book, or it can be just one more thing to do, or even a series of things to do.  Maybe choose one?

Read the article on Writer’s Fun Zone!


Write your book from Beginning to End

With my partner Shama, we’ve developed a comprehensive program to help our Expert Queens become published Author Queens. 
Check it out, and see if it’s right for you!
For monthly inspiration and honesty – subscribe to my monthly newsletter below!

For fun and inspiration!

I was honored with First Place in the Gold Country Poetry Contest!

Here is my first place poem – enjoy!
the second woman was constructed from 
previously owned parts without  warranty
the first-  like Adam – was molded from earth
more solid than ribs
harder than bricks to build cities
she did not bow her head or curtesy
instead ran straight at the volcano 
Adam trailing behind – is this a good idea?
She pressed him back into the ground
sharing how the earth sways  
the banging surf spume 
gulls swoop overhead 
the hard shore washed over 
and over –  yes, yes.
pious men of the church 
unable to tolerate a happy ancestor  
deleted this first wife, 
as is so often the case
promoted  the new trophy wife 
made of ribs ripped from Adam
Love is pain
Quoted God  –  
love this one, a better 
but lesser version of you.
to serve up transgressions
  – Eve’s version
yet, yet, those first days in the fresh world
the surf, the cries, the trembling earth
sent a collective memory 
vibrating through all time
drawn to the edge of the shore
women lift their faces to the sky 
the rolling sea foam 
waves gently lapping in and out. 
Why do the gulls cry yes, yes?

Sign up for your monthly inspiration!

Most months I will email a brief newsletter with Class updates and creative inspiration.  Even when I dance again!

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